Thursday, May 15, 2014

Here We Gooooo!

Every time something exciting is about to happen a little video clip plays through my head. And I mean, every time. You know how in Disney movies they always play that little commercial before the film even starts? A deep story telling voice narrates as strips of film criss-cross over the screen: "From the magic within our hearts, to the adventure beyond the horizon. There is only one Disney." But before he even starts talking you see Peter Pan standing on the children's windowsill, hands on his hips, energetic as can be, ready to fly to Neverland. He calls out three words before zooming out into the night sky: "Here We Gooooooo!" This phrase, full of excitement and glee always flashes through my head at the start of something big. And seeing as its my graduating year, I've been hearing Peter Pan a lot!

I even heard him tonight.

So for those of you who don't know, I am going to Europe next year, definitely a "Here We Go!"  moment. This trip has been in the process for years. I was traveling literally before I was born, been traveling ever after that, and will continue to do so probably until I die. But when you love Jesus, that affects everything, even your traveling. To mix the two I figured going to some Capenwrays overseas would be a great idea for 2014-2015.

After my three month Germany Exchange in Grade 10 I decided I had to go back to visit people and brush up on the language, so I applied to Klostermuehle. Its the German Immersion Capenwray, and also the Bibleschool my Dad went to making it the logical option. Plus, I love German people. Its my heritage, and I think they are super cool and hilarious. I definitely had to go back. I was soon accepted into the school for the January-March Semester.

But what about First Semester? I'm not just backpacking for four months (that would be pretty radical, however, three weeks is a good enough for now!).

And here's where tonight's Peter Pan moment comes in:

There is a Capenwray in France.

Now, after going to Germany I realized the only way to really learn a language is to live there, and I want to learn French. However, all I have going into this is French class: verbs, little plays, and a few idiomatic expressions. Even so, I want to serve Jesus, first in Canada and then in the world, so learning French is pretty important to me making a French Immersion Bibleschool also a logical choice. But its the more challenging option.

After emailing the director, he assured me I could still apply and sent me a proficiency test to take. So I did it. I don't know how long it was supposed to take, but 60 multiple choice questions took me at least 2 hours... Yeah..... Anyways, I sent it back to the director and he gave me my mark. 65%. I was pumped. Besides that, the director said that after a month there I would be relatively fluent and wouldn't have any problems. I filled out the application, sent in the fee and waited.

Tonight I got my acceptance letter!

Off to France with only the basics of the language, there for three months learning theology. Its a good thing the Holy Spirit knows all languages, because I'll be needing a lot of help! Anyways, I am super excited that everything has fallen into place and that I'm finally going back to Europe. God is in control, and this is going to be an awesome way to grow my faith, get connected with the International church, and meet all different types of Christians. And I know God will be with me, just like He was in Germany, and how He is right now.

So Here I Goooooooo!


  1. This is so cool Lorianne! I'm so glad we will be able to keep up with you this way :)
    Just don't start posting in French now....

  2. LA you are a great young lady- go ahead with Jesus and enjoy each step!! We are waiting here for you... so come!

  3. Love what you are doing and look forward to reading about all your adventures with God. Omi and Opi
