Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The French are gutty.

And by gutty, I mean gutsy, bold, daring, courageous...

And slightly ridiculous. 

And I love it all! 

Seriously, French people are most interesting. Here is a quick overview: 

Bikes and Scooters: I have never seen so many. There is at least one for every 2 cars, and the reason I say that is because French people ride them with the traffic. So you can literally compare the bikes and cars because they are mixed together! Talk about dangerous, but I guess all the honking can be explained as a safety measure. The biking/scootering outfits also need to be talked about, which brings us to 

French Clothing. It. Is. SO. Stylish. Even while biking the (some) ladies where dresses! I don't know how they do it. That means you are biking in traffic in a dress - and I'll bet they still get to work looking fabulous. There were so many outfits I wanted (although I would rather not see the price tag) but the most impressive ones were the Parisian work clothes. 

Since we used the Metro a lot and so do the French people especially in the mornings, we got to admire each other. Well, they probably didn't give us a second look, but I definitely had fun studying them. More chic blazers, dresses, pencil skirts, and high heels for the women, and very handsome tuxedos for the men. There are NO comfy dressed people. Everyone is completely put together, and looks AMAZING. The French have such nice hair too, its usually brown, wavy and really thick, but it never appears disheveled. Parisians dress with purpose and perfection. That's the end of it. 

(So next time I come to Paris, I am only bringing fancy clothes! But no high heels, I could never walk around the city in their literal shoes!)

Attitude. As long as you are not a very sensitive person, French people are hilarious. They have this kind of joking disdain for you if you do something wrong (like take the wrong exit or something). Besides that, they are kind of crazy as you may have already gathered from the biking paragraph. Very lively as well, and the French accent on their English makes things even more entertaining. Plus they are very open about their feelings, whether they be angry or in love...

PDA in Paris. Public displays of Affection. Very public. Very displayed. Very affectionate. That's France for you. There are SO many couples everywhere and they are very cuddly and whatnot. The "awe, that's cute" line gets crossed rather quickly, and then viewers look away! 

So if these have not proven the French to be gutty, here is the last one in the form of a picture.

Notre Dame

When you 
A) Build a church like this
B) Use 442 tiny worn steps to get to the bell tower and
C) Let people climb up them as a tourist attraction
You know the French are pretty different. 

And I love it. 

Can't wait to live here with the Frenchies! 

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