Sunday, June 21, 2015

When One Year Feels like Five...

June 20, 2015. 

Ten months since I left Canada.

Five months since my return. 

Four months since Ottawa.

Three months since entering the business world of Winnipeg.

Two weeks since my piano exam.

One year after Graduation.

Wow. It's no wonder I feel way older than 18!

I thought it appropriate that I spend some time reflecting on this year full of adventures with God - way more than I ever thought I'd have in 365 days! It's quite dizzying, but once I start thinking about everywhere He brought me in one year the beauty of it takes my breath away. If this is a sign of what's to come, I am so so so so very excited. 

Where to start... I suppose with graduation last year. 

What a momentous occasion! Twelve years of education complete, diploma in hand I began looking forward to the next year of learning followed by four years in university pursuing what I feel called to do. My exchange student came to celebrate the event with me making me even more excited for my travels - I would see her a mere three months later in Germany. The world was on the horizon, and over the next two months I worked hard to get there by showing people around our town's museum and washing cars - all the while saying numerous goodbyes and even more thank-you's to all of the mentors and friends I had enjoyed up until that point. 

Possibly one of the best pieces of advice I received from my mentors was to consider this next year as my first year of 'International Business," a prequel to the degree I would earn once I was back in Canada. That made the next year of travels even more purposeful: it was strategic, it was fun, it would prepare me for the future and show me who I was and what God wanted of me. Little did I know how true his advice would be and how much this year would confirm my decision to pursue International Business.

But the best (and most ironic) verse I received, in hindsight, was this one. Here's what I said about it on June 11, 2014:

"Many are the plans of one's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21
This is a fabulous verse, especially for someone like me who loves planning out the future, and doesn't always like it when things change. I know God's plans are best and whatever He wants to happen, happens, so I just need to trust Him when things don't go as expected. And when you consider 1 Corinthians 2:9  "no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him," following God's plans definitely seems to be the way to go. That's what I strive to do now, and what I will continue to do in the future. 

Although I didn't think of these exact verses when I found out I had seven days to leave Europe, these are the characteristics of God that I clung to. His sovereignty, His timing, His planning, and His love. Something better was awaiting me in Canada but I had no idea what that would be! Thankfully, God gave me the trust and peace I needed to follow Him and my quiet (very un-Lorianne like!) reaction to that news showed me just how much He taught and changed me during that semester of Bibleschool - something I am so grateful for! 

And in retrospect, I believe God was more glorified in my departure and the successive events than He would have been had I stayed in Germany. Because why else would He have done it?

But the time before that was wonderful - surreal and overflowing with grace. 
Europe, eight countries, three languages, new brothers and sisters, music, exotic food, dancing, sunshine, colours, buildings, fountains, leaves, mountains, trains, late nights, chocolate, debates, reading, windows, prayer, worship, hiking, movies, pictures, games, laughter.... 

A sudden change of events and I was in Ottawa, equally wonderful, equally surreal and full of grace.
Canada, one country, two languages, new brothers and sisters, music, food, sunshine, snow, buildings, ice sculptures, buses, late nights, chocolate, discussions, reading, windows, prayer, worship, skating, movies, pictures, laughter, fellowship. 

A look at my new home. 

Finally Winnipeg. Seeing my birthplace through new eyes, getting to know my extended family through work, savouring wisdom from my relatives and figuring out how to act in a professional environment with people ten years older than me. And almost most importantly, re-organizing myself after a year of intense spiritual, emotional, physical, and character excavation in anticipation of even greater and more demanding adventures with God. Oh, I know they are coming! 

This year has affected and shaken up every single aspect of who I am, loosening the unnecessary worldly distractions while strengthening, polishing and growing the faith God has graciously given me. It's been amazing. I am so confident in who He is and who I am in Him - His direction is impeccable and His plans are clear. 

I love the international world. I love people, business, travel, culture, learning, foreignness, challenges, projects, discussions, net-working just to list a few. And I get to learn about all of these things in University this fall - it's perfect! This year has prepared me in ways I don't yet know for a future I can only imagine. 

And right now? Working and learning and living and trying to glorify God in everything as I get ready to go to Ottawa where I will be doing the same thing! 

It is so sastisfying. It is such an adventure. 

This is living!

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